Tuesday 16 October 2012

Save our furry friends!

The pure stupidity and stubbornness of the British government never ceases to amaze me. 

Can someone please explain to me why, after seeing the alternatives and getting advice from dozens of scientists and experts, the government is still going to go ahead with its insane badger culling policy. A vaccine program is being developed while I type and scientists everywhere are not only saying that slaughtering 70% of Britain's badger population won't stop bovine TB, it may in fact make it worse. 

Maybe the conservatives are still sore about the banning of fox hunting and are trying to find a way of allowing people to mindlessly slaughter animals which can't fight back. after all, it's tradition- and tradition must be defended, no matter how inhumane and outdated it is.

The best way to reduce bovine TB is simply to make the area farmers graze their cows in more secure, so badgers can't get in. Thousands of healthy badgers are going to be killed, for seemingly no reason at all.

please if you read this, sign the petition. If we make our voice loud enough maybe the government will be able to hear it through all that jingling in their pockets .
 Looks like the cull has been put off for a year. Hopefully that will be enough time for either the government to come to its senses or an effective vaccine program to be developed. I'm gunna go with the latter.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Old enough to die for you, but not old enough to vote for you

There is speculation that following plans to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote on the Scottish independence referendum, the government might just let them vote in general elections too.

Of course the lords are kicking up a massive stink about this, probably moaning about adding thousands more of the 'great unwashed' into the franchise. A note to those moaning about it being too big a constitutional change- so was extending the vote to women? and Britain recovered from that pretty quickly.

though I agree that most 16 and 17 year olds aren't clued up enough on politics at the moment to make a well enough informed decision, this change would mean that politics will have to be taught in schools, even if it's just a few PSHE lessons.

At 16 I was already very political and knew exactly who i would have voted for in the 2010 elections but I was denied the opportunity (not that it would have made any difference to the result). 

At 16 people are allowed to have sex, have to pay taxes if they work and can even join the army but they're not allowed to vote. I think there's something very very wrong about that. At 16 most are considered adults however the government is still treating them like children by taking away their democratic voice.

The trouble with freedom of speech

I've just read a news article about a man who's been imprisoned for eight months for wearing a t-shirt celebrating the deaths of police officers Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone. 

Now I don't know about you but I think that by giving people punishments for saying controversial and offensive things we give them more of a platform. If this insane person was ignored instead of imprisoned no one would have heard what he has to say.. Now it's plastered all over the national news. 

But of course people can't ignore it can they? Why get annoyed or offended over it, yeah what he said was disgusting but he only did it to get a reaction- so don't react! We're supposed to have freedom of speech in this country but that's slowly being taken away by those who aren't exercising their right to not pay attention to it. 

Better yet, exercise your right to freedom of speech and call him a wanker! 

Come on, this guy's shirt said 'kill a cop 4 fun.com ha, haa?' he clearly has his 5 A-Cs.. Don't give him what he wants.

Friday 5 October 2012

Ed Milliband the happy slug

Ed Miliband reminds me of a slug. you can almost see the slime ooze out of him. that slimy smile, that slimy voice, the way his eyes recede into his head when you poke them. maybe we should attack him with salt and watch him melt away. I've just watched his speech from the labour conference and now even I feel slimy just from looking at him. Everyone saying that it was his best speech so far, erm.. it's not hard! He could have gone out there and said 'I like men' and that still would have been his best speech so far. Isn't it cute when people laugh at their own crappy jokes? And excuse me if I'm wrong but I thought he was the leader of the labour party? So why is he trying to bring back Benjamin Disraeli's idea of 'one nation'? That was a conservative move which tried to stop the lower classes rising against the ruling classes back in the 1800s, not the inspirational, selfless feat they seem to think it was. This speech has just proved that all of the 3 main parties are, deep down conservatives. They may act like they're miles apart from each other in the political spectrum but the British public, in reality, have three choices- right wing, right wing or right wing. We truly are a conservative nation. Hallelujah!
Can you imagine if good ol' Ed became the figurehead of our country? A happy little oblivious slug with a little annoying nasally voice and no real or original ideas about how to rescue this country.