Friday 19 April 2013

Selective mourning

Once again, for the 4th day in a row, media outlets across the country are drowning us in reports about the Boston bombings. 3 people died including an 8 year old boy and a Chinese exchange student and dozens were badly injured.

Since then 27 people have been killed and dozens injured by a suicide bomb in a cafe in Baghdad, an earthquake has hit Pakistan, killing 34 and injuring hundreds, a further 17 Pakistani's were killed following a bomb at a secularist rally, dozens have been killed by a bomb in Syria and a 5 year old Indian girl is fighting for her life after a brutal sexual attack.

These are just the stories that news outlets bothered printing.. and I only found these after a lot of digging. Did you hear about these at all?

Shouldn't every death be worth reporting when it's done in such a horrific way? Why is it that there's such uproar when an American is killed but if someone from an Arab country is killed in exactly the same way it doesn't even get a mention? No one cares.

I understand that it's rarer for these sorts of things to happen in America, and all of us westies seem to be in awe of America and treat it like some sort of 'mother country', but if we only really care when a disaster like this happens in the west and shrug our shoulders when it happens in the East then we are a heartbreakingly divided planet.

Of course the Boston bombings are terrible and my heart goes out to all involved but equally my heart  goes out to the people involved in bombings and tragic deaths elsewhere in the world. I am so so sorry to them for the way one half of the planet didn't even know, or seem to care, that they've died.

Just a note- if you're like me and are sick of western news values then this is a really good news website which covers stories equally all around the world