Wednesday 20 March 2013

The UK Idiot Party

With support for Ukip growing at an alarming rate, let's take a look into their misguided policies and scaremongering statements shall we?

1. 75% of our laws are dictated by the EU

A statement Ukip have been very proud to put in their leaflets and TV campaigns but official records show that the actual percentage is near 15%. So a slight exaggeration there, Ukip.. There are also many restrictions on what the EU can legislate on meaning they have very little say on laws in this country.

2. By leaving the EU we will save £36 billion a year

Again, greatly exaggerated. It actually works out around £4 billion a year to be in the EU however many argue the economic benefits justify this. And in relation to some of the other things the government spends money on, EU membership is just a cup of water out of the ocean. Seriously, Ukip, where are you getting these statistics from and how are you getting away with lying to us so outrageously? 

3. Global warming has not been proven. We will stop the building of wind turbines and encourage coal power.

Of course! global warming is just a myth. The ice caps are melting at an alarming rate and a giant hole is forming in the ozone layer just because the world is quirky and spontaneous like that. And instead of running things using renewable energy such as wind power, let's use million year old dead trees. Cause let's face it, we're running out of wind but coal will last forever.

4. We will repeal the Human Rights Act

For some reason people seem to think the Human Rights Act is there only to ensure prisoners get it easy and illegal immigrants can stay in this country. Once again a few bad cases has ruined it for everyone. Ukip and even the Conservative party have said that they want to completely stop their commitment to human rights all together. I'm sure I don't need to spell out how dangerous this move could be to freedom in this country. Even in this 'highly democratic' country measures need to be put in place to protect people from the abuses of government.

5. End the doctrine of multiculturalism which has torn this country apart

So we should stop teaching children to accept people from different cultures? Ukip may think that it's immigrants which are 'destroying Britain' and threatening our way of life but really it's the racist, intolerant, blindly patriotic thugs which are giving it a bad name.

6. Hold a referendum on the hunting ban and repeal the smoking ban

Cause we all miss smelling like an ashtray with our lungs full of second hand smoke after a trip to the pub. After the pub fancy getting the boys together to chase some foxes and watch our dogs rip them apart? It's tradition after all. Tallyho!

PEOPLE! Ukip may seem like the way forward. The top parties at the moment are all as bad as each other but don't be duped by (the highly photogenic, I must say) Nigel Farage who's managed to make a scapegoat out of immigrants as the cause of all our problems.

Plus just look at those shifty eyes... ¬____¬ I'm watching you, Nigel...