Friday 23 November 2012

Man love rules, ok?

Gay marriage should have been made legal decades ago.

I think it's a travesty and an absolute insult to the 3.6 million gay people in this country that it's not.

I can't entirely get my head around why people are still, in this day and age, against equal rights. 

Most of the arguments against gay marriage come from the church and religion. Many say that the bible defines marriage as between one man and one woman (but that's only as long as we ignore all the polygamy in the old testament). So, we're focusing on the new testament here, I see. Oh, the bible says homosexuality is a sin? But the new testament doesn't even mention homosexuality? Ah you're referring to the passage in the old testament calling gay sex an abomination? ...But I thought we were ignoring the old testament? ... See my point?
I'm sick and tired of people picking and choosing the parts of the bible they agree with and ignoring the parts they don't. They're using their religion to cover up their own prejudices and as a weapon to take away other people's rights. The truth of the matter is that they find gay people icky. Well, that's their problem.

If you don't want a gay marriage, don't have one.

The other arguments I've seen have been bigoted statements such as 'It will devalue conventional marriages' and 'It'll lead to polygamy and marrying your dog becoming legal'. I've even heard things such as 'It'll make children more likely to be gay'

With great arguments such as this it's no wonder the government  is hesitant to give gay people equal rights.

  Love is love no matter who it's between. Gay couples deserve to celebrate their love just as much as straight couples. And that's all this argument should come down to. 

Just a quick note:

Just so you don't think I'm one of those crazy, hate preaching atheists which prowls around the interwebs, let me just explain one thing. I am not against religion. People have the right to believe what they want. I am, however a secularist. Religious beliefs should be kept out of political policy and not infringe on people's rights,That's all.

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