Thursday 22 November 2012

Welcome to capitalism, please leave all humaity at the door

Capitalist society is so just and fair, isn't it?

Look at how many apps are available on android and the app store. 
Not got a smartphone? Don't worry, someone in Vodafone or 02 will find you a great deal.

Remember, you're not really a person unless you have one.

Oh, you're only earning £50,000 a year? How can you cope? I know, only having two bathrooms in your house makes life so inconvenient. 

You need to earn more money. You need to work harder. You want lots of nice shiny new things. 

Oh whoops, that evil government's trying to tax your multimillion pound company. Better think of a loophole to get out of that. It's not like they'll use the money for anything important anyway.

People on benefits are lazy. You've worked really hard monopolising the industry. You've crushed all competition. You deserve this.

What's that? You work three jobs but still have to choose between food and heating? 

Stop complaining. Get another job. Try harder.

No. I don't have any spare change. If you had made an effort in life you would have a roof over your head. 

You deserve this.

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